Unleash your child's potential

Children never really understand the concept of being responsible for their actions and know that all actions have consequences. For example, we all know children hate getting up in the morning to be ready for school, but parents still do not give up, and they push them until they board the bus. Parents start offering them bribes in chocolates, ice cream, and so on just so that they don’t feel low while going to school. This content will help empower Parents, Educators, And Leaders with the tools to give children the best start in life.

Most parents think of ways to teach kids about things they can do on their own in a way that doesn’t show out as punishment. And that is all that matters. However, the tendency to be independent is something that must come from the children within. Parents must realize the responsibility is upon them to nudge the children with a few tips to discover their independence in their way.

Let’s look into a few pointers on why we think that building independence within kids is essential.

Decision Making:

Children are eventually going to be adults someday. And the essential part of being an adult is to make your own decision. Children never understand parents do the concept of such choices and decisions as a significant part of taking one. Introducing opportunities in their life early on, like choosing their favorite shirt and joining a club at school, will help understand themselves better and know what truly makes them happy.

Story of Life:

As adults, we all know that life is not always happiness and enjoyment all around. There will be moments in their life when they will fail to succeed or even meet their expectations. However, if they are independent, they will learn to recognize the mistakes they made and learn things that will help them reach out for guidance or not repeat the same.


Self-esteem is an essential emotional factor, and it usually develops at an early age. The kids need to build said self-esteem so that they can grow more energetic and being independent helps them to get there.

Now, let us look at the steps on how you can make them independent.

Give them responsibility:

Responsibility doesn’t mean that it has to be as huge as managing big decisions, but it can be well under their control. Say, for example, you are planning a picnic, then you can assign some tasks for your kids, such as pick out the things that they require to be packed for the picnic.

Avoid Hand-Holding:

Parents commonly confuse the gesture of handholding as a way of guidance, but it is considered as an intervention. Overprotective parents do not let their kids make the decisions that they know will hurt them. But by doing this, they are taking away the chance of learning from the actions and the mistakes that their children make. In the future, once the children are adults, they need to know that it should come from them to reach out to people rather than having expectations that someone would intervene and help them.

Show Empathy:

Children will fail. We all did when we were one. Be empathetic when it happens and try not to scold them or put them down. They must understand that failure is a simple way of life. Do let your children know what they could have done better, support them, and help them if they need it. But do not connect their failures with them as it can hamper their self-esteem ultimately.

Problem Solving:

Problems are associated with life, and children are no different. They will have all kinds of issues: school-related, friends, siblings, and so on. Let your children understand that specific problems have to be solved by them. Guide them but never provide them with real solutions, which may be a letdown for them in their future.

Teach Negotiation:

Children often view the world where they either lose or win. It is vital that, as parents, you must encourage your children to look at the world as a platform to compromise or negotiate. This will help them to choose the best of the proposition that is presented before them. For example, they can decide where they can go for a picnic or choose the picnic lunch.

Related Links:

Nurturing Confidence and Self-Esteem in Children

Developing Emotional Intelligence in Children